GIGA Storage: purchase guidance

Since 2015 StoredEnergy provides advice for sustainable energy storage. We are also available as a consultancy and project developer in the field of sustainable energy storage for businesses, governments, wind and solar farms and investors. We are independent experts with access to all storage technologies, including: lithium-ion, hydrogen, flowbatteries, saltwater batteries and second life batteries. Our services include:
StoredEnergy provides advice on which applications of energy storage are possible and what merits or savings are involved. Often, stacking of applications and associated benefits is possible, which results in better payback periods. Economies of scale are at play: with larger systems, more opportunities and benefits can be exploited.
Every project asks for tailor made solutions. We start with analyzing the customer's needs and identify stakeholders and the potential technological solutions. We select the best fitting storage technology and set up the business case for the project. Consequently, as a project manager we can take care of the further development and implementation of the project.
We provide advisory services and develop projects for companies, governments, wind and solar parks and investors.
Our extensive network includes all relevant stakeholders and helps us facilitate effective connections that result in strong project teams. This allows us to set up projects with impact. A small sample of some of our valued connections is shown below.